Happy Grow Lucky

Plant Shop & Gardening Workshops

Australian native plants, succulents, water-wise plants, native and exotic flowering varieties and more.

a person's hands are visible next to some potted plants


Book your spot in one of Happy Grow Lucky's fun and informative... 

Plant Shop Hours

Monday & Tuesday CLOSED

Wednesday & Friday 10am-1pm

Saturday 12pm- 3pm

Every second Sunday 12pm-2pm

Rear 579 Barkly Street (located down the laneway off Russell or Clarke Streets)

Ask me how

Native trees for small spaces

Specialising in Australian native trees and shrubs as potted ornamental plants. You can keep many types of Aussie native trees for many years in pots including Eucalypts, Wattles and Tea Trees. Pop into the shop and ask me how or book into a workshop that takes you step by step through the process.

Australian native plant workshop

Eco Friendly

Valuing nature

Happy Grow Lucky advocates for biodiversity and does not use any pesticides. All my plants are chemical free, hence, you may see minor evidence of insects from time to time. Avoiding the use of chemicals leaves food for birds and invertebrates so it's less disruptive to the food-chain.

The use of water-wise plants in the garden and home is encouraged. Plants at Happy Grow Lucky have been raised outdoors on rainwater and should be resilient to the elements.

Happy Grow Lucky reuses plant pots over and over again. Feel free to drop your unwanted pots off at the shop.


Plants as habitat

Plants benefit all creatures, not least of all us humans. Besides producing the oxygen every creature requires, trees and plants are home, food and resting places for countless birds and insects, possums and reptiles. Did you know many garden insects are actually nocturnal; hiding during daylight hours under pots, between layers of bark and in leaf litter. Pictured is the Australian native Fungus-eating ladybird, a welcome helper in the garden.